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Unstoppable: Virtual Tales From The Schoolyard

Haven Kids Rock

Haven Kids Rock, a musical arts program at Haven Academy, our K-8 charter school, typically performs their annual musical, Unstoppable, in the spring. While their event was canceled this year, the students didn’t let social distancing stop them from expressing their feelings and experiences through song and dance.

The program created Unstoppable, Virtual Tales From The Schoolyard, a digital production featuring new music video clips and highlights from the past year. The event streamed live on YouTube earlier this month – watch it above.

Unstoppable, which is based on the real-life stories of Haven Academy students, covers topics such as bouncing between foster care homes, looming deportation, living in homeless shelters, and gun violence. The resilient stars of Unstoppable wear their scars as badges of honor and strength through song and performance.

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