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Lowell Dreamed of Having a Job


Lowell, who lives in one of our Bronx residences for people with developmental disabilities, knew he wanted to work. However, people with disabilities have some of the lowest employment rates in the country, and it was difficult for him to achieve this goal. Years passed without any progress – until he enrolled in The Foundling’s Employment Services in 2018. The program was exactly what he was looking for. Matched with a supportive coach, he began to learn the basics of being in the workforce. He embarked on dedicated skills training, and received expert guidance as he identified jobs that fit with his interests and aptitudes. Through several volunteer positions in the community, he learned how to follow directions and conduct himself in the workplace. While some skills took some time to master, and the COVID-19 pandemic posed further disruptions, Lowell continued to have hope. He never gave up on his goal – and neither did his Foundling job coach. This summer, those efforts paid off as he accepted his first job as a team member with Shake Shack, working at a location in the Bronx! Now, he starts his days with purpose, and enjoys doing meaningful paid work in the community. With The Foundling’s continued partnership, Lowell has a bright future ahead.

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