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Our New Vital Brookdale Mural Beautifies the Community

Two years ago, The Foundling’s Vital Brookdale complex opened to serve our community in Brownsville, Brooklyn. We were involved in this project from the start, which not only includes affordable housing for the community, but contains Foundling-managed Supportive Housing units for young people aging out of foster care and adults with development disabilities. Based out of an on-site office, our staff provide holistic support and guidance as our participants navigate living on their own – often for the very first time.

We are excited to unveil a new mural – located on the wall of Brookdale Hospital, which overlooks the building – to further celebrate our residents and their place in the community.

The artwork, which is 47 feet wide and 21 feet tall, was conceptualized, created, and painted by Layqa Nuna Yawar, a public artist and multidisciplinary storyteller. Titled Colors of My City, the mural’s imagery and subjects (from actual Vital Brookdale residents to community landmarks) were developed through conversations with community members – allowing it to truly reflect the neighborhood and those within it.

Read our press release for more information on the project!

View photos of the mural’s creation and completion below:

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