Karen K. Morales Pérez
As a board member at The New York Foundling, I look forward to being a voice for the children and parents of the Head Start and Early Head Start Programs.”
As a board member at The New York Foundling, I look forward to being a voice for the children and parents of the Head Start and Early Head Start Programs.”
Lawyer Morales is a graduate of the University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus, where she completed, Magna Laude, a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences. The analytical foundation of science led her to complete the Juris Doctor at the University of Puerto Rico in May 2009. Lawyer Morales is a partner and president of the law firm Herrero, Morales and Reyes Law Offices, PSC in Puerto Rico, which is dedicated to civil and notarial practice, leading municipal and government agencies litigation, insurance, damages, labor, family and others in that branch. During her 12 years of experience as a lawyer she has appeared before different administrative agencies, as well as before the Courts of Puerto Rico. She also has extensive experience in appellate and review processes before the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. Lawyer Morales is the mother of a girl, Kamila Nahir (8) and a boy, Héctor Daniel (1), being her youngest a participant in the Early Head Start Program in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico.
La licenciada Morales es egresada de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Bayamón, donde completó, Magna Cum Laude, un Bachillerato en Ciencias Biológicas. La base analítica de la ciencia la llevó a completar el Juris Doctor en la Universidad de Puerto Rico en mayo de 2009. La licenciada Morales es socia y presidente del bufete de abogados Herrero, Morales y Reyes Law Offices, PSC en Puerto Rico, el cual se dedica a la práctica civil y notarial, llevando litigios municipales y de agencias de gobierno, seguros, daños y perjuicios, laboral, familia y otros de dicha rama. Durante sus 12 años de experiencia como abogada ha comparecido ante distintas agencias administrativas, así como ante los Tribunales de Puerto Rico. También posee alta experiencia en procesos apelativos y de revisión ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones y el Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico. La licenciada Morales es madre de una niña, Kamila Nahir y un niño, Héctor Daniel, éste último siendo participante del Programa Early Head Start en Vega Alta, Puerto Rico.