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Meet Our 2019 TCS New York City Marathon Runners!

Denis Torlic

Each November, runners from across the world line up in Staten Island to race through the five boroughs in the annual TCS New York City Marathon. The 2019 marathon on Sunday, November 3 is not only an opportunity for athletes to compete in the world-renowned 26.2-mile race, but also a special opportunity for nearly 400 charity partners to fundraise through the support of running teams.

For the third year in a row, The Foundling is an Official Charity Partner of the TCS New York City Marathon with a team of five official runners! By helping our team in their efforts, you’ll also be helping the 30,000 children, youth, individuals, and families who rely on The Foundling’s programs and services each day. A donation to any of our runners’ campaigns will help support our team as they gear up for the big race.

Meet our runners and learn more about what motivates them to run for The Foundling!

Laurene Coral

Laurène Coral

From her home in Eastern France, Laurène didn’t imagine that she would be running the NYC Marathon anytime soon. When her friend Claire told her there was an open slot on Team Foundling, she leapt at the opportunity to support us! Here are some words from Laurène herself:

Hi all! My name is Laurène and I’m a young French woman. I am inspired by the strength of children and families in the foster care system and I’m happy to spread awareness for everything that The Foundling does.

Every January 1st, I wrote my list of resolutions. Every day gives us the opportunity to be better and do something different, but the new year is special in that it feels like a clear turn of the page. Running a marathon has always been part of the list but I never thought that 2019 would be THE year. A couple of weeks separates us from the TCS New York Marathon now and I am both nervous about being able to complete it and proud to run for The New York Foundling. This is my first marathon but this is also my first real fundraising experience and it makes the training so much more meaningful. Running has helped me a lot and helping others is a great way to give back!

Claire Tetart

Claire has been a close friend of The Foundling since joining the development team of our supporters French-American Aid for Children. This will be Claire’s first marathon, and she’s excited to be joined by her dear friend from home, Laurène.

Ryan Dougherty

Ryan Dougherty

For several years, Ryan has witnessed The Foundling’s work from the periphery through the eyes of his girlfriend Kelly, a member of our Junior Board. As a 2019 marathon runner, he now officially joins our Foundling family.

Kate Wheelock and Holt Baker

A member of our Junior Board since 2017, Kate and her fiancée Holt have generously dedicated their time to The New York Foundling in between their busy legal careers. For Kate and Holt, being part of Team Foundling is an opportunity to become closer to The Foundling community.

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