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In Focus: Puerto Rico

Bill Baccaglini

New York Foundling President & CEO Bill Baccaglini appeared on Spectrum News NY1’s In Focus to discuss The Foundling’s work in Puerto Rico, and what is needed to provide stability and support within the communities that are most impacted by the ongoing earthquakes.

The Foundling has been providing Head Start and Early Head Start programs on the island for decades, providing vital support to 1,500 children and families on the island. Joined by Luis Miranda, Founding Partner of The MirRam Group and a leading voice for NYC’s Hispanic community, and Frances Lucerna, Co-founder and Executive Director of the NYC/Puerto Rico-based non-profit El Puente, Mr. Baccaglini discusses the mental health services we’re committed to providing as we look ahead, how children and families in the regions most impacted by the earthquakes are doing, and what needs to be done in terms of rebuilding Puerto Rico’s infrastructure and communities.

Watch more on NY1:

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