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Foundling Foster Parents Receive Year’s Supply of Heating Oil Thanks to Petro

Amada, one of the lucky recipients, with Foundling board member Anthony Gallo, who works for Petro Home Services. Petro’s team delivered heating oil to the foster parent’s Yonkers home on Thursday, January 10. 


Thanks to the generosity of Petro Home Services, two New York Foundling foster parents received a year’s worth of heating oil to get their families through this winter and into next. The donation of 500 gallons of heating oil comes at the perfect time, as temperatures continue to drop across the region.


Amada, a Yonkers resident, was one of the lucky recipients. She has been fostering children with The Foundling since 2006, taking in more than 20 children over the years and adopting one. She is currently fostering three teenagers.


Kimberly, an active and loving foster parent to twins in Brooklyn, received her special delivery on a chilly 30-degree day.


The Petro donation was the idea of Anthony Gallo, Foundling board member and Petro employee, who is devoted to giving back to Foundling foster parents who give so much of themselves to provide caring, supportive homes for youth in need.

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