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107 program sites across New York and Puerto Rico

Haven Academy was founded to help close the academic achievement gap for students whose families are involved with the child welfare system

Over one third of youth in foster care will have experienced five or more school moves by the time they age out of the system

When young people age out of the foster care system at age 21, they’re at a higher risk of homelessness, incarceration, and early parenthood

Haven Academy, The Foundling’s public charter school, is the only one of its kind in the country, targeting children involved in the child welfare system

Isis loves spending time with her foster parent, Stephanie–whom she calls mom–and plans to go to college and possibly become a lawyer. Upbeat, fun, and energetic, Isis loves going to school, but found herself struggling to keep up with her classmates. That’s when Jake entered Isis’ life. The two began working together regularly and Jake quickly built a strong rapport with Isis and her younger sisters. While Jake may have taught Isis about fractions and decimals, Isis reminds Jake of the importance of positivity and gratitude.

Raquel is an ambitious college student who credits her success to Jessica, her Foundling tutor. When Raquel struggled in math, Jessica broke down the steps so she could take on the new curriculum. Raquel now leads a student group in her college dormitory where she helps other students understand their budgeting and finances.

Like many children in the child welfare system, high school was a challenge for Emahni, who struggled in class and had difficulty completing her homework. Through The Foundling, Emahni was connected with Kat, who tutored her and even helped her submit her college applications. Thanks to Kat and The Foundling, Emahni passed her tests, graduated from high school, and was accepted into college. Kat was with her every step of the way.

Christina came to the U.S. to live with a relative when she was just 6 months old, leaving behind her 14-year-old mother, who was unable to provide the care at age 11 when her safety was at risk. With help from the Foundling, Christina was given the opportunities she needed to become the woman she is today.

88% of students were employed or in classes during the summer

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