NYF Adolescent Health Education Initiative, Adolescent Mentoring Program, Behavioral Health, Camp Felix, Care Management and Coordination, Child Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP), Child Welfare, Close to Home, College Bound, Community Habilitation, Community Partnership Program, Crisis Nursery, Day Habilitation, Developmental Disabilities, Early Head Start, Education, Educational Advocacy, Employment Services, Families Aligned to Stay Together (FAST), Families Rising, Families Stronger Together, Family Services for Deaf Children and Adults, Foster Care, Head Start, Health Services for Child Welfare Involved Children & Youth, Healthy Families, Improving Family Systems, Juvenile & Criminal Justice, Kids Experiencing Young Successes, Mentored Internship Program, Mother and Child Program, Mott Haven Academy Charter School, Nurturing Family Health Initiative, Partners for Change, Partnership to Improve Community Health Outcomes, Programs, Residential Services, Respite Care, Results, Road to Success, School Based Mental Health Services, School Response Teams, Strengthening Our Families, Strengthening, Teaching, and Educating People through Support (STEPS), Supportive Housing, The Dormitory Project, The Thrive Network, YVLifeSet30,000+30,000+ people served in The Foundling’s programs every year June 28, 2019/by Elefant Design https://www.nyfoundling.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/NYF-Impact-Stats-Icons_0068_Vector-Smart-Object.png 72 72 Elefant Design https://www.nyfoundling.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/nyf-logo-wp.png Elefant Design2019-06-28 19:11:292020-08-14 15:41:3430,000+