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Bianca, now a mother of three, came to The Foundling’s Early Head Start Center in San Juan when she learned she was pregnant with her first son, Kermitt, for pre-natal guidance and parent resources and support. Working in partnership with Head Start specialists, Bianca later learned that Kermitt had mild attention deficit challenges. Kermitt began to receive the services and help he needed to succeed in school.

Now 10 years old, Kermitt is on the Honor Roll in school, and Bianca’s two younger daughters are currently receiving support and services through Head Start as well. Thanks to the Head Start program, Bianca’s three children are thriving today—and she is too.

of the population of Puerto Rico has at least one developmental disability

children in New York City are growing up in low-income households

4,000+ holiday gifts distributed to The Foundling program participants every year

107 program sites across New York and Puerto Rico

Haven Academy was founded to help close the academic achievement gap for students whose families are involved with the child welfare system

Haven Academy, The Foundling’s public charter school, is the only one of its kind in the country, targeting children involved in the child welfare system

1,536 children served in five municipalities in Puerto Rico

43 program sites in Puerto Rico serving pregnant mothers, new parents, and young children

9 program sites providing services throughout the New York metropolitan area

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