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When young people age out of the foster care system at age 21, they’re at a higher risk of homelessness, incarceration, and early parenthood

More youth are placed in foster care in the Bronx than any other borough of New York City

Of young people involved who have been placed in foster care, 90% have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime

The number of young people in foster care rose 1.5% in 2017, in part because of the opioid epidemic

The Foundling’s Implementation Support Center works with organizations across the world to help them identify and implement evidence based programs

The New York Foundling is one of New York City’s largest providers of foster care

The New York Foundling is one of New York City’s largest providers of prevention programs

Tajuana has begun the process of adopting her two young cousins with special needs, for whom she has been a foster parent for 7 years. Already a mother to three grown children, a grandmother, and a foster parent to another child, Tajuana is committed to providing children in need with a loving supportive home.

Isis loves spending time with her foster parent, Stephanie–whom she calls mom–and plans to go to college and possibly become a lawyer. Upbeat, fun, and energetic, Isis loves going to school, but found herself struggling to keep up with her classmates. That’s when Jake entered Isis’ life. The two began working together regularly and Jake quickly built a strong rapport with Isis and her younger sisters. While Jake may have taught Isis about fractions and decimals, Isis reminds Jake of the importance of positivity and gratitude.

Manuel has a passion for music and dance and wants to be a choreographer when he grows up. Manuel looks forward to his weekly tutoring sessions with Jake because they help him better understand the topics being covered in school–and to show off his newest dance moves. With Jake’s help, Manuel received a Most Improved Student award at school. Manuel has another recent achievement of which he is very proud: in 2015, he was adopted by his foster mother, Judy. When asked why she adopted Manuel, Judy said, without hesitation, “I don’t see myself without him.”

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