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Safia, a 15 year old honor roll student and new mother, is part of our Mother and Child program – a residential program for young mothers in foster care.  The program houses adolescent mothers and their infants in a dedicated building in the Bronx, and 24/7 Foundling staff members provide childcare, parenting education, and holistic supports so mothers can finish their education, pursue career goals, learn parenting and life skills, and ultimately independently support their families.

Safia is happy to now be living in an apartment that feels like home, and to have the support of The Foundling’s staff as she completes high school while parenting her growing child.  “I’m comfortable that my baby can grow up and as she grows, she’s in a safe, clean place,” Dixon said.

Nyyim, a young adult in our TFFC Foster Care program, had an interest in the military since the age of 7 – and with the support of The Foundling, he completed his school’s ROTC program and became a US Marine this summer! Joseph Alexander, a Foundling staff member who has worked with Nyyim over the past two years, attended his boot camp graduation ceremony. “I was able to witness one of the most amazing young men I’ve ever known accomplish the dream that has carried him through a rather difficult childhood,” he shared.

As a 19-year-old in foster care, Sitan had already faced a lifetime’s worth of challenges when she gave birth to her daughter in April 2020. But the added stress of managing life as a new parent — during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic — made her struggles feel insurmountable. Her foster care team saw that Sitan needed more help, and connected her with our Mental Health Services department.

Through therapy, Sitan learned breathing exercises and coping mechanisms, and now tackles her challenges one day at a time. Additionally, The Foundling helped her make important steps toward independence— she secured daycare for her daughter, rented her own apartment, and has found a full-time job. She now has the stability to provide for her daughter, and is optimistic for the future ahead.

When Nina opened her home as a foster parent to two siblings, she committed to making them feel safe, secure, and loved. The Foundling provided guidance, intensive therapy services, and more to support her and the children as they healed from past trauma and adjusted to a new environment.

Thanks to The Foundling’s support, Nina, Grace, and Logan are now a thriving family – and with adoption paperwork finalized last year, they will have each other for a lifetime.  “They’re biological siblings, and it’s amazing that they get to be together – I think they feel blessed, and I also feel blessed,” says Nina.

students in foster care across NYC receive high quality tutoring from Road to Success Citywide

Sandra has loved caring for young children her entire life. Through The Foundling, she’s found opportunities to share her heart and home with more than 20 children. Over the past 19 years, Sandra has partnered with The Foundling’s foster care team members to get the specialized training and support she needs, arming her with the resources and tools to address the unique needs of those in her care. Over the years, Sandra’s family has grown in unexpected ways, most notably through the adoption of three children who were previously in foster care. In addition to her adopted sons, she is currently fostering two younger children. With Sandra’s support, her foster and adopted children are defying the odds and finding the stability and strength to thrive.

of teens in foster care live with a family, compared to 95% of children ages 12 and under

of children that are mistreated every year have at least one developmental disability

of children between the ages of 3-17 have a one or more developmental disabilities

young people in foster care in the United States

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