
While April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, our obligation to help children should be year-round. All of us should be conscious about the children around us – our neighbors, our own children’s classmates – and be sufficiently aware of the telltale signs of abuse so that we can report it when we see it. Click here to continue reading.

“Staten Island moms were invited to a ‘symbolic’ baby shower at Snug Harbor as part of the ‘Healthy Baby Campaign.’ The shower was hosted by the city’s first lady Chirlane McCray and The New York Foundling as part of the Talk to Your Baby campaign, which encourages parents to talk, read and sing to their babies from birth for healthy brain development.” Read more and watch the video here.

Child Success NYC (CSNYC) is a program that uses evidence-based practices to provide biological and foster parents the skills they need to help reduce challenges in the home. The Foundling is one of the largest agencies to pilot CSNYC. Read more here.

In Selena Garcia’s piece featured in Represent Magazine, Garcia speaks of one of The Foundling’s Socio-Therapists, Cresa Galaritta and how Galaritta became not only her social worker, but her friend and mentor. Read more here.

“The Foundling’s Crisis Nursery is an emergency haven for the children of families in dire need, aiming to prevent them from going into foster care. ‘If we could keep them out of foster care and just work on with what’s going on with the family at home, that could change this child’s life,’ says Fanny Duran-Pena, crisis nursery director of The Foundling.” Watch the video

The Foundling’s Child Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP) visited P.S. 195 in the Bronx on March 24. CAPP reaches 20,000 children each year. Read More 

In honor of April being Child Abuse Prevention Month, The New York Foundling — a New York-based charity that empowers children and families to live independent and stable lives — is launching a campaign to help support its Child Abuse Prevention Program (CAPP). Read More

As part of their ongoing American Graduate series, PBS Metro Focus takes a look at Mott Haven Academy, which educates children in foster care or the child welfare system. Watch the segment here

Bill Baccaglini is a member of the newly created NYC Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board. The Board will enhance the ways in which City agencies promote and protect children across the City and will drive policy to support the health and well-being of youth across 24 City agencies. A press release announcing this news was published yesterday and can be found here.

Before she even knew what the word “advocate” meant, Jasmin Gonzalez was doing it for herself and her three sisters. All four were taken away from their drug-addicted parents and placed into foster care when Ms. Gonzalez was 3 years old. Memories of abuse by her first foster parents remain vivid. Click Here to read the full article. 

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