Mayra Rivera se convirtió oficialmente en la mamá de Shawn, William, Rosa y Na Maya. READ MORE

The New York Foundling’s CEO and President Bill Baccaglini makes the case for implementing new ideas and programs to help youth in the child welfare system succeed academically, and he discusses how The Foundling’s Mott Haven Academy Charter School model is leading to better outcomes.  READ MORE

Whoopi Goldberg teamed up with One Simple Wish to bring presents, a story and a special guest to The Foundling’s Mott Haven Academy Charter School in the south Bronx. WATCH HERE

Programs are a fraction of the cost of incarceration but smaller jurisdictions have been slow to adopt them. Experts at The New York Foundling talk about our Families Rising alternative-to-incarceration program for teens. READ MORE

The Daily Journal takes a look at the effectiveness of The Foundling’s Families Rising program, an alternative-to-incarceration counseling and family therapy program for teens. READ MORE

This comprehensive report looks at teen-specialized preventive services aiming to keep teens out of the foster care system in New York City. The publication interviewed two experts from The New York Foundling, as well as a parent from The Foundling. READ MORE

In honor of National Adoption Month, HuffPost is shining a light on families who’ve grown through adoption, and raising awareness for the children who still need loving homes. Two New York Foundling families who adopted children at Kings County Family Court in Brooklyn in November 2017 are featured. READ MORE

Over the course of 17 years, Kim Westbrooks, a New York Foundling foster parent, kept a family in crisis intact by adopting all of the siblings. ABC7NY shared a Thanksgiving meal with the family. WATCH HERE

NY1 joined The New York Foundling and families from across the city on adoption day at Brooklyn Family Court. The New York Foundling’s foster parent Mayra Rivera, who adopted four siblings on this day, is featured in the segment. WATCH HERE

November is Adoption Month. And Thursday, 40 adoptions were legalized at Kings County Family Court in Brooklyn — including for two New York Foundling foster families. WATCH HERE

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