
Good Housekeeping’s photo gallery features 10 women over the age of 50 who have overcome challenges, are doing incredible things and are following their hearts. One of the 10 featured women is Carmen Jirau-Rivera, The Foundling’s Chief Program Officer who oversees the organization’s Head Start programs in Puerto Rico. READ MORE

Families Rising, The Foundling’s alternative-to-incarceration juvenile justice program, attended a Kings County Criminal Bar Association meeting to discuss the program and join the conversation about Raise the Age. READ MORE

The New York Foundling’s Mott Haven Academy reserves a large fraction of its seats for children involved in the child welfare system, and about a quarter of its students are homeless. Take a look inside this unique school with a trauma-sensitive curriculum aimed at giving these children tools for success. WATCH HERE

On episode 4 of “Caught” from WNYC Studios, listeners are introduced to 16-year-old Honor, who finds himself caught up in the juvenile justice system after a serious incident at home. Follow Honor and his mother as they work with a therapist in The New York Foundling’s Families Rising alternative-to-incarceration program. LISTEN HERE

BronxNet and partner WFUV put together a panel of experts from New York City’s child welfare system, which included a foster youth and foster parents, to discuss foster care. WATCH HERE

The Foundling’s CEO and President Bill Baccaglini writes, “Education is the best path toward a successful future; and I believe that, after keeping these children safe and healthy, education should be our highest priority as child welfare professionals. We need to have a national conversation about what that means.” READ MORE

New South Wales in Australia has seen a dramatic reduction in the number of Aboriginal children in foster care after implementing counseling services with the guidance of The Foundling. READ MORE

Entire communities were devastated by Hurricanes Maria and Irma in September 2017, including families and a workforce who relied on The New York Foundling’s dozens of Head Start centers for education and employment. Chief Program Officer Carmen Jirau-Rivera speaks with Jack Ford about both the damage sustained, the state of education in Puerto Rico, and the current recovery efforts underway. WATCH HERE (at 8:00)

The New York Foundling joins Graham Windham for WFUV and BronxNet’s panel discussion on foster care and the issues children in the child welfare system face today. LISTEN HERE

“This spring the award-winning Strike a Chord campaign of New York public radio station WFUV (90.7 FM/ wfuv.org) turns its attention to organizations working with the foster care system in the New York metropolitan region. The campaign is spotlighting organizations that work to support children in the system and families or individuals who want to get involved with fostering or mentoring children.” The New York Foundling, along with other New York City organizations, are featured. READ MORE

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