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In Coamo, a rural, mountainous region of Puerto Rico, it can be difficult for new mothers like Ileana to access quality resources for their kids. After much searching, she started her son Lucas in our Early Head Start program, which serves children ages 0-3 and their families. As a child with special needs, he has needed extra support—which The Foundling is equipped to provide.

Now at age 3, Lucas has transitioned into our Head Start Pre-K program where he will continue to learn and grow—with the same supportive team—until he is ready to begin school.

When Caesar – a single father – and his adolescent children began having conflicts at home, he knew something needed to change. So, he enrolled his family in STEP-S, our in-home evidence-based program which provides weekly Functional Family Therapy to promote cohesion and stability. Now, the family is thriving. After successfully completing the program, they are implementing their newfound skills to communicate better, argue less, and strengthen their family bonds.

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