Reina Y. Batrony Cine is an experienced Vice President of Services for Community and School based programs at The New York Foundling. Reina graduated with a Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and has an Advanced Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Long Island University-POST. With a demonstrated history of working in nonprofit organization management and leadership, Reina has worked as a therapist, lead therapist, and supervisor in the KEYS PINS diversion program. Reina has also continued to grow at The Foundling and has held the positions of Program Director, Assistant Vice President, and in her current position, within the Evidence-based Community of Programs and Implementation Support Center.
Reina has 8 years of experiences in implementation, leading and managing Evidence Based and Community Based Programs in the NYC Child Welfare system, OCFS, DOE, DOHMH, OSH, and OMH, serving children and families in all five boroughs. Reina has had experiences with managing program implementing FFT-CW model and, currently, oversees nine (9) programs which include community (OCFS), preventive, specialized teen preventive, and intensive preventive (ACS and DYCJ), and school mental health (OMH, DOHMH and Office of School Health) programs at The Foundling. The programs use different Evidence Based and Evidence Informed programs as follows: Healthy Families, Eisenhower Quantum, BSFT, MST-CAN, SafeCare, Blues Program, and Incredible Years. Prior to her work with the Foundling, Reina has had over 2 years of experiences in the adult and juvenile justice probation system, family services, and intensive supportive care in hospital.
Reina officially joined the ISC team in early 2018 and provides support at the capacity of Senior Associate. Prior to 2018, Reina has supported the ISC department at different capacity. Reina is also part of the EBM grant writing team and has written about the implementation of social programs across federal, state, and local governments. Presently, Reina is working with developers of additional Blueprint models for upcoming programs (i.e. Eisenhower Quantum program, Promoting First Relationship, and Communities that Cares) and supporting national and international adoption and implementation of EBMs with fidelity and sustainability. Reina is trained in Agile Scrum and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.
The Foundling’s Implementation Support Center works with organizations across the world to help them identify and implement evidence based programs