Con una inversión que supera los $200,000, el alcalde de Vega Alta, Oscar ‘Can’ Santiago Martínez inauguró recientemente un nuevo Head Start en el Barrio Sabana Hoyos, en conjunto con la institución educativa sin fines de lucro New York Foundling (NYF), que administrará el mismo. READ MORE
The New York Foundling had no choice but to cancel upcoming Child Abuse Prevention Program workshops across New York City schools due to lack of funding for this impactful program, which uses puppets to teach children how to recognize and stop child abuse. Last year alone, it resulted in 165 calls to New York State’s child abuse hotline. NBC’s Melissa Russo has the full story. WATCH HERE
A look at how The Foundling’s Haven Academy is finding success in educating children whose lives have been hijacked by abuse, neglect and violence. READ MORE
Students at The New York Foundling’s Mott Haven Academy in the Bronx brought their role models to school for the second annual Bring Your Male Role Model to School Day. Fathers, brothers, uncles, foster parents, and family friends attended the event which celebrates male role models in the lives of young people. WATCH HERE
As part of NBC New York’s coverage on the anniversary of Hurricane Maria, reporter Ray Villeda visited The New York Foundling’s newly renovated Head Start center in Vega Alta, which was completely destroyed after the hurricane. WATCH HERE (at 2:45)
Spotlight Exclusives shares the first article in a yearlong series from Youth Today examining higher education for youth in foster care, made possible in part by The New York Foundling. “Early on, many youth in foster care develop a certain resourcefulness that allows them to navigate thorny situations and push through layers of bureaucracy. But almost inevitably, youth in care struggle as they leave high school, enroll in community college, trade school or university and make their way toward graduation.” READ MORE
Bill Baccaglini, CEO and President of The New York Foundling, introduces Youth Today’s year long series dedicated to exploring higher education for youth in foster care, and discusses the importance of child welfare professionals’ role in creating change. READ MORE
The first article in a yearlong series examining higher education for youth in foster care, made possible in part by The New York Foundling. This article details what reporters plan to examine over the next 12 months, from what’s working to what’s not when it comes to supporting teens in succeeding in high school and college. READ MORE
Jasmine Edwards recently graduated from The Dorm Project, a joint initiative of The Foundling, the Administration for Children’s Services, and City University of New York to give youth in foster care a successful, supportive higher education experience. She spoke with New York Nonprofit Media about navigating college as a young adult in foster care.. WATCH HERE
As WCBS 880’s Sean Adams reported in “Stories from Main Street,” the songs in “Unstoppable: The Musical” are powerful, and the stories are real. The musical is performed by Haven Kids Rock. LISTEN HERE