Long-time foster mom Lizzie Burrow opened her home and her heart to Crystal when she was a teen. On July 9, Lizzie officially adopted the now 22-year-old Crystal. “She nurtured me, and she let me know that everything is going to be OK. Instead of closing her door on me, she was there for me.” READ MORE
Entire communities were devastated by Hurricanes Maria and Irma in September 2017, including families and a workforce who relied on The New York Foundling’s dozens of Head Start centers for education and employment. Chief Program Officer Carmen Jirau-Rivera speaks with Jack Ford about both the damage sustained, the state of education in Puerto Rico, and the current recovery efforts underway. WATCH HERE (at 8:00)
One of The New York Foundling’s longtime foster moms, Debbie Evans, and her foster daughter, Christina, sat down with Jack Ford and The Foundling’s CEO Bill Baccaglini to talk about how the system and organization work, as well as their experiences with foster care. READ MORE