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Camp Felix’s Virtual Open House

As we enter November and look toward the holiday season, the warm days of summer seem so far away. But just a few months ago, Camp Felix – our overnight summer camp – was in session, providing the young people in our programs with the opportunity to experience the outdoors, spend time away from home, and create lifelong memories and friendships.

Our Putnam Valley campground was closed in 2020 due to COVID-19, but this August, we were able to safely host 96 campers and provide them with exciting in-person activities. After last year, he ability to escape from isolation, socialize, and build connections was needed more than ever.

Because of pandemic restrictions, Camp Felix was unable to host their annual Open House – which invites visitors onto the campground for a meal, talent show, and other activities – but they were able to put together a virtual version.

Watch the video below for a glimpse of the fun!

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