
Geared toward adolescents and young adults with prior justice involvement or are at high risk for negative outcomes, this individual-based program pairs young people with both a Therapist and Skills Coach to help build a promising future.
(Evidence-Based Model: Multisystemic Therapy – Emerging Adult)

Provides families with a Family Therapist and an Employment/Education Specialist to decrease the behaviors of at-risk youth, such as associations with antisocial peers, drug use, and corresponding family challenges.
(Evidence-Based Model: Brief Strategic Family Therapy)

Gives children the tools they need to prevent and report abuse, trains school counselors and social workers about the dynamics of abuse, and offers online workshops to parents that improve parenting skills and communication.

Provides structured family therapy and case management by therapists proficient in
American Sign Language and other relevant services and support.
(Evidence-Based Model: Functional Family Therapy – Therapeutic Case Management)

Provides in-home family therapy and case management support designed to connect families to resources, improve parent-child relationships, resolve behavioral issues, and strengthen family dynamics.
(Evidence-Based Model: Functional Family Therapy – Therapeutic Case Management)

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