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Entries by Elefant Design

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Press Release: NYC Administration for Children’s Services and NYC Health + Hospitals Announce New Partnership Aimed at Increasing the Number of Bronx and Queens Families Receiving Family Support from Community-Based Organizations

The New York Foundling is proud to partner with NYC Health + Hospitals and the Administration for Children’s Services on the The Pathways to Prevention pilot program. NYC Administration for Children’s Services and NYC Health + Hospitals Announce New Partnership Aimed at Increasing the Number of Bronx and Queens Families Receiving Family Support from Community-Based […]


Our New Vital Brookdale Mural Beautifies the Community

Two years ago, The Foundling’s Vital Brookdale complex opened to serve our community in Brownsville, Brooklyn. We were involved in this project from the start, which not only includes affordable housing for the community, but contains Foundling-managed Supportive Housing units for young people aging out of foster care and adults with development disabilities. Based out […]


NY Times: The National Urban League Comes Home

The New York Times reports on the upcoming opening of the ‘Urban Empowerment Center’ – a  17-story mixed-use development on the 125th St block, which will contain new headquarters for the National Urban League, along with an Urban Civil Rights Museum. Additionally, the building will contain offices for The Studio Museum in Harlem, the United […]


CBS New York: Over $5 Million Awarded to School-Based Mental Health Clinics across New York State, Gov. Kathy Hochul Says

“More help is on the way to New York state schools to support students’ mental health,” reports CBS New York. “On Thursday, Gov. Kathy Hochul presented a check to the nonprofit the New York Foundling in Tribeca, where a mental health clinic will be set up.” Watch the video at CBS New York

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