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Entries by Elefant Design

Fox 5 | Critical Need for Adopting Older Children in New York

Fox 5 News shed light on the need for foster parents willing to take in older children in the foster care system. The segment, which aired during National Foster Care Month, featured one of the New York Foundling’s foster parents, Luvato Howard, as well as an interview with The Foundling’s CEO and President Bill Baccaglini. READ […]

Bronx Times | P.S. 114’s Child Abuse Prevention Workshop

The New York Foundling’s award-winning Child Abuse Prevention Program visited P.S. 114 on Thursday, April 6 to conduct a workshop to educate children on recognizing, resisting and reporting abuse and neglect. The program included two informative short skits using life-sized puppets enabling students to ask questions. Students received a certificate of completion serving as a reminder of […]

New York Nonprofit Media | Sharing Precious Space in NYC

With office space at a premium and many nonprofits working with thin margins, one New York City partnership is aiming to serve as a model for helping nonprofits handle one of their most taxing overhead line items: rent. The New York Foundling recently “adopted” fledgling nonprofit She’s the First in a partnership dubbed Adopt a […]

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