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Entries by Elefant Design


Commemorating 150 Years of Support, Service, and Solutions

This past weekend, The New York Foundling celebrated its 150th anniversary with a host of events which included a Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, a Reunion Day at NYU’s Kimmel Center, and a Block Party Festival in Chelsea. The weekend was a great way for The Foundling to commemorate a century and a half of […]

The Foundling’s Implementation Support Center Brings Evidence-Based Practices to Guatemala

In November 2018, several members of The Foundling’s Implementation Support Center (ISC) traveled to Guatemala and met with the leadership team of The Comprehensive Health, Opportunities and Human Rights Programs at the Barbara Ford Peacebuilding Center. And later this month, staff from the Barbara Ford Peacebuilding Center will come to New York City to continue […]


Christina’s Sophomore Year at College

Written by Foundling Guest Blogger, Christina, a Graduate of The Foundling’s Road to Success Program.   Freshman year was definitely the year where you brace yourself for the following three years of college. Now that I am in my sophomore year, I feel ready to finish off the remaining years and earn my degree. I […]

Advancing Opportunities for Women in Technology

Pictured above: Four of The Foundling’s first cohort of Women in Technology New York (WiTNY) interns.   Five women with the Women in Technology New York (WiTNY) program recently wrapped up their “Winternships” with The Foundling’s IT Services team. This unique 3-week mini-internship taught them how technology platforms and other tools support the work of […]

ACS, The New York Foundling Remind Parents of Safe Sleep Practices Ahead of Wintery Weekend

Foundling Chief Program Officer Carmen Jirau-Rivera and ACS Commissioner David Hansell hold a wearable blanket that is safe for sleeping babies. These wearable blankets will be available to families for free at various ACS locations throughout the city. (Photo courtesy Administration of Children’s Services.)   Ahead of a bitter cold, snowy weekend, the New York […]


Youth Today | We Can Close Poor Students’ Gap With Better Trauma-informed Education

Jessica Nauiokas, Principal of The Foundling’s Mott Haven Academy, writes about the effectiveness of a trauma-informed approach to educating children in the child welfare system and in low income communities. This opinion piece is part of a yearlong series examining higher education for youth in foster care, made possible in part by The New York Foundling. READ […]

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