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Entries by Elefant Design


The Incredible Years Blog: Shift of Crisis to Prevention in New York City with the use of Evidence-Based Models in Schools

Bonnie Loughner, LCSW, Assistant Vice President of our School & Community Impact Program wrote the following post, detailing the impact of using the Incredible Years® behavioral health program in NYC classrooms: The New York Foundling is one of New York City’s oldest and largest social service organizations. With an internationally-recognized and interrelated set of research-backed services, we […]


Politico New York: New Year, New Services

The New York Foundling on Thursday announced that it has more than doubled its Developmental Disabilities Division’s residential and day habilitation sites and locations and expanded its services. The expansion, which brings more than 50 new supportive residences and three-day habilitation sites to Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx, is a result of the Foundling taking […]

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The New York Foundling Kicks Off The New Year With A Major Expansion of its Developmental Disabilities Division

THE NEW YORK FOUNDLING KICKS OFF THE NEW YEAR WITH A MAJOR EXPANSION OF ITS DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES DIVISION  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – New York, NY (February 18, 2020) – The New York Foundling today announced a major expansion of its Developmental Disabilities Division, more than doubling  its residential and day habilitation sites and locations, including […]


In Focus: Puerto Rico

New York Foundling President & CEO Bill Baccaglini appeared on Spectrum News NY1’s In Focus to discuss The Foundling’s work in Puerto Rico, and what is needed to provide stability and support within the communities that are most impacted by the ongoing earthquakes. The Foundling has been providing Head Start and Early Head Start programs […]


The 74: Students Who Are Lagging Behind Need Both Grade-Level Content and Personalized Learning. How 3 Schools Are Making It Happen

Nationally, as many as 3 out of 5 students enter school below grade level. The numbers are even higher for low-income students and children of color. To address this problem, some educators and policymakers advocate for more access to higher-quality instructional materials — grade-appropriate curriculum and content that are standards-aligned, coherent and easy for teachers and […]


Foundling News: Update from Puerto Rico

On Tuesday, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Puerto Rico leveling buildings, destroying roads and infrastructure, and causing a massive power outage across the island. Despite the conditions and wreckage, our dedicated and determined Head Start and Early Head Start staff won’t back down. They are visiting families, assessing damage and immediate needs, and doing everything […]


Mobituaries: The Orphan Train – Death of an Experiment

From 1854 to 1929, 250,000 abandoned or orphaned children in East Coast cities found themselves on journeys across the country. Shepherded by private organizations like the New York Foundling or the Children’s Aid Society, these orphans were resettled with families who promised to give them shelter, an education, and a place to grow up. It […]

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The Foundling Community Gives Back for the Holidays!

At The Foundling, we strive to provide the support and resources to help our neighbors to live their best lives – and during the holidays, this means providing those we serve with the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy the festivities of the season! Thanks to the generous support of our corporate partners, community supporters, and […]

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