
Provides families with a Family Therapist and an Employment/Education Specialist to decrease the behaviors of at-risk youth, such as associations with antisocial peers, drug use, and corresponding family challenges.
(Evidence-Based Model: Brief Strategic Family Therapy)

An intensive family & community-based program for youth exhibiting behavioral concerns, including but not limited to substance use. A therapist assesses family/social networks, trains caregivers on giving incentives for positive behavior, and sets the groundwork for long-term change.
(Evidence-Based Model: Multisystemic Therapy – Substance Abuse)

Geared toward adolescents and young adults with prior justice involvement or are at high risk for negative outcomes, this individual-based program pairs young people with both a Therapist and Skills Coach to help build a promising future.
(Evidence-Based Model: Multisystemic Therapy – Emerging Adult)

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