
After 15 Years of Wishing, Anthony’s Dreams of Independence Came True

Anthony McQueen

Remember the excitement of moving out on your own? Many New Yorkers may never get the opportunity – but they will now thanks to you and thanks to The Foundling. While those growing up without support systems or with developmental disabilities may dream of having their own home, they often struggle to find clear pathways to achieve that goal.

Today, residents in our Supportive Housing programs are seeing their dreams of independence come true. Vital Brookdale, our first supportive housing complex, provides purpose-built apartments and on-site guidance for young people aging out of foster care and adults with developmental disabilities: two groups that often struggle to secure and maintain housing.

In the videos below, see the benefits of this unique approach!

Meet Anthony, one of Vital Brookdale’s new residents

Meet our Supportive Housing team: The Foundling’s ‘Dreammakers’

The Foundling is committed to providing opportunities like this for our community – but we can only do it with your help. Your gift this holiday season will allow more people like Anthony to reach their full potential.


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